The Content
The content of this site was created for use with my own high school science classes. If you find any of it useful, feel free to link to and use it for your own (non-commercial) purposes.
All content should work in any modern browser without the need for plugins or other technologies. Most content is responsive to varying screen sizes.
The Legal Stuff
Unless otherwise indicated, all site content was created by me and is made available under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license.
Many of these resources use licensed stock images. It is NOT OK to separate an image from the resource and incorporate it into another project.

About Me
I am Chris O’Donoghue, a teacher of middle and high school sciences, mathematics, computing, and occasionally some other things. I have 40+ years experience teaching in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Canada. Originally from Australia, I currently teach sciences in Winnipeg, Canada.